Shouldn't I be able to do this myself?
Because we've shopped for ourselves our whole lives, it's easy to think you should be able to do this on your
own. However, it's unlikely that you've ever looked at shopping from a strategic marketing perspective.
Spielman & Associates I•RIS / PIB™ excels at interpreting the image you want to put forth into all the aspects
of your visual brand, helping you reinvent your current wardrobe and strategically spending your dollars on
just the right purchases.

Will I feel like I'm being judged?
The Spielman & Associates I•RIS / PIB process is not an episode of "What Not To Wear." It's a fun, positive
experience. Together, we'll define your brand, implement how you want to present yourself and develop the
tools for making that happen. Virtually everyone who has been through the experience has enjoyed it.

I'm on a budget–isn't this a luxury?
Once we've shopped your closet and put together combinations you may not have considered before, you'll
probably feel like you already have a new wardrobe. You may not need to buy anything at all. Or you may just
want to add a few key pieces to your wardrobe. It's up to you — and your budget. What's more, we're advocates
of shopping strategically and cost-efficiently. Why buy T-shirts from Saks, when you can get them at Gap for a
third the price?

Will I have to shop at certain stores?
Spielman & Associates isn't tied to any particular retailers. We've been known to shop at Neiman-Marcus,
J.Crew, really fun boutiques and consignment stores — all in the same day. Your store selection will be based on
what types of items you need and your budget.

How much time will we spend together?
Everyone is different, but after an initial meeting to define your personal brand, we usually begin by "shopping
your closet" — reviewing what you already own. Hair and makeup are fast and easy. After that, we keep
shopping sessions to a timeframe that helps them stay fun, rather than overwhelming. The number of sessions
depends on what it takes to express your brand within your budget.

Can I still express my personality?
Absolutely! That's the point of personal image branding — to visually express what you are all about. Without
personal branding, it's easy to become the expression of a sales associates' taste (who's working on
commission), or a celebrity you've seen in a magazine. Instead, we help you to express the best image of

Why don't I just use a personal shopper?
Even though a personal shopper's service is free, it comes with a hefty pricetag. The person you work with is
greatly motivated by commission and the way they think you should look, not what your brand and your life
are all about. Using a personal shopper also ties you to one particular store, so you can't mix in pieces from
different price levels, looks and sources. But perhaps most important, a personal shopper isn't trained in
marketing or branding.


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